Thursday, 28 January 2010

Evaluation Question 4

Click on pictures to enlarge.

This is the camera and tripod that I would have used for filming.

This it the computer which I used for the posters, magazine front covers and for the trailer. The picture on the screen is the character introductions in the trailer.

This is a picture of me editing the picture of Harry. The photo shop effect that I am applying to the picture of Harry is a slight fade.
I used a website called pyzam to find The Godfather layout that I have got on my blog. I did this because I thought it made the blog look more attractive and it fitted well with the gangster layout.

This is a picture of the mac computers that I have used for the trailer.

This is a picture of my using the imovies to make my film trailer.

These are the different sights that I have for my media work. Without using these sights I wouldn't have been able to have made any for my media work as effective as it is now.