Friday 2 October 2009

Ideologies in our Movie Trailor

Ideologies are a set of ideas or aims, a way of looking at somithing. Many philosophers beliaved that ideologies are behind the social class structure. I feel this is important when making our Movie Trailor as in the gang their will be a hiarchey of class, the "top boys" who run the gang and then those who work for them who do all the dirty work.

Eugne Ionesco said that "Ideologies seperate us. Dreams and anguish bring us togetehr".
I think this is relevent to our aspiration audience as our target audience is any male and not aimed at just them from a certain social class. Males at the top of the socal scale will be able to relate to the people at teh top of the ganag as like them they are sucessful and have peole working for them, and the people at the bottom of the social scale will be able to realte to the charatcters at the bottom of the gangs social hiararchey, they will dream that they ould one day be at the top of the class and empathise woth the charatcers who are trying to get there.