Thursday 8 October 2009


I have looked at different music that has been played in the British gangster film trailers to get inspiration on what is the best type of music to be put on our trailer.

lock stock and two smoking barrels;
At the start the music is slow while the main group of four friends are being introduced. The music is slow and relaxed as if to say they are normal and nothing to worry about.
Then the music changes at a card game to faster pace to build tension and show that the card game is important. Then there is exaggerated sound of the card being put down to show how important that card was.
The music then changes to more high pitched sound to show that something bad has happened.
Then the music changes to more happy faster song to suggest they might have a way of getting the money that they lost. the music then changes to faster paced music to suggest that it is violent with a lot of action.
Then one of the four friends says 'were on' and the music changed again to slower party music as if they have been successful so they can celebrate.

layer cake;
this film trailer has fast paced music running through the action and no music when the chef is speaking.

The first song is very fast paced to show how fast pace the film is and how much action there is in it.
Then the music changes to a wild west type song and it starts to introduce the main characters. This gives a feeling that all the main characters will be fighting against each other.

the business;
this had a very odd soundtrack being played through the trailer compared to what you would expect from a gangster film trailer. The song is video killed the radio star. This song hasn't really got much to do with the film but shows that they are like normal people who play tennis and yet they are shooting each other and killing other people.