Tuesday 8 September 2009


have done some research on the different types of posters there are for the gangster genre. Most of the posters have only the main character in the poster which are dressed in suit and ties. It is normally a mid shot of the character with a black background. A few of the posters have scenery in the background such as American gangster or Goodfellas. This gives the feeling that they are the most important people in the place they show. In the American gangster poster frank Lucas (main character) is the only person shown with New York beneath him. This shows that he runs New York and no one can stop him.
Snatch has the opposite feeling because there are a lot of people in the poster. The feeling you get from the snatch poster is that everyone is fighting against each other. The two people at the back of the poster look like they are working together but they are the least important because they are the smallest. The first person on the left looks powerful because he is wearing gold rings, a gold chain and a gold bracelet or the second person on the right looks important because he is dressed in a suit and tie.
Goodfellas looks like the three people are all working together. It seems like they are very powerful people but the middle person is the most powerful. It looks like the two at the sides are a bit crazier than the middle person because the middle person looks like he makes the decisions but the two on the side have to do whatever he says.
I think the most powerful poster is the Goodfellas poster because it looks better with three people than one and it doesn't look too crowded unlike the snatch poster. The only thing that stands out from the black and white is the middle persons red tie so you feel he is the most important. I think I will try and base the poster on the Goodfellas poster because I feel it looks the best.