Tuesday 29 September 2009


Hi Georgia i have found this clip from the film Tropic Tunder. I like the way it pauses on the action to say the characters name. I think that it looks good with the background having lots of different colours and paterns. the negatives of this though is that you don't realy notice the names that come up with the clips.

This is the snatch clip from the trailer which has a simler way of introducting the actor. This clip changes the character to balck and white. the background is just one colour so the big bold white words stand out well.
width="425" height="344">


Mr Smith said...


It's fantastic that you are now updating your blog and including details of what we've been up to in class, what you need to make sure you do is actually apply that theory to your own work and planning. What stereotypes might you include in your work? What narrative codes have you spotted in the films you've watched?

If you don't apply the theory you wont pick up any marks.

Oh and Georgia, you've got to start blogging, at the minute you are on a U for research and planning.