Tuesday 29 September 2009

male gaze

Today we looked at the male gaze. In 1975 Laura Murlvey stated that male gaze is how the audience views the people presented. Feminists can be thought of in 3 ways

  1. how men look at women
  2. how women look at themselves
  3. how women look at other women

Generally speaking most film producers are male so you generally see the men's representation of women. So the women will watch the film through men's eyes.

The criticism of mulvey and gaze theory are that the gaze can also be directed towards members of the same gender for several reasons, not all of which are sexual, such as in comparison of body image or in clothing.

Jonathan Schroeder said 'to gaze implies more than to look at it significance a psychological relationship of power, in which the gazer is superior to the object of the gaze.

I think that we will use the male gaze on a women who could be the gang leaders wife to show that that there is a reason why gangsters don't mind fighting and killing because they get the money and the women. Georgia and I don't feel it is the most important scene though because snatch didn't show women like that because it would have slowed the pace of the film down. We could also use what's know as fitishisation. This is where objects are viewed as though they were women (e.g. the ways cars are filmed on Top Gear). If we didn't want to film women than we could incorporate this into our trailer

We have thought that we could use Jonathan Schroeder's theory to show that the gangster is more powerful than the person they are interrogating in the first scene.


Mr Smith said...

No women! Stuart, sort it out. All Gangster films have gangster wives etc.

Also there is what's know as fitishisation, this is where objects are viewed as though they were women (e.g. the ways cars are filmed on Top Gear).

Review this post and alter.