Friday 13 November 2009


Today I have done some filming. Although the actors seemed very realistic and the acting was very good we were limited to the amount of scenes that we could film. This was due to the heavy rain which ment we could not do any scenes outside. I was a bit disapointed with the amount we were able to film because it has been a bit of a problem getting all the actors together at the same time.
I managed to film two important scenes which went well. These scenes were the interagation scene and the poker scene. While filming I decided to modify the poker scene to what it was suroposed to be in the storyboard. I decided to have both my Dad and Gray in the poker scene who would cheat to win the money instead of just my Dad paying fairly and wining. I decided to do this because then the audience watching the film know that they are working together and that even though they are the main characters they are not to be trusted. Another reason why I had them together is because they walk out from the poker game together and I thought it would look more realistic if they were playing together before they walked out.


Mr Smith said...

Watch this