Monday 30 November 2009

magazine cover

The magazine that I have decided to base my magazine front cover on is Empire. I have chosen Empire because they have they style that I am going for in my front cover. they have used the three colour rule very effectively with the red white and black. these aer the three colours that I am planning to use. The colours used in these two covers make very effective and eye catching front covers. I think that the three colours work well and fit in with the gangster theme. the positioning of the camera is a low angle shot to make the people look more powerful. this helps transmit the narrative to the audience because they can see they they are powerful people who look aggressive. gangster films sometimes also have the actors holding guns to highlight this point. We usually only see a few of the main people in the American compared to the British Gangster films having a lot of people from little gangs. There is a gender bias towards males because males are shown mainly because they are more associated with guns and violence. also males have a better visual effect because they are bigger and more muscular so you think that you wouldn't want to mess with them where as you wouldn't be as scared if it were to be a women.


Mr Smith said...


Try to also blog about the positioning on screen of the protagonists/antagonists. Does this help transmit the narrative to the audience?

Also how much of the stars do we see and is there a gender bias? If so why?